ENROLL NOW | Experience a modern and effective technology enhanced exposure to learning at St. Peter’s College. | ENROLL NOW | Experience a modern and effective technology enhanced exposure to learning at St. Peter’s College.

We have Library Updates!

The school has subscribed to the EBSCO Database. This means that anytime, anywhere, the SPC students, faculty and staff can remotely access the e-resources available in the library. Enjoy unlimited access to EBSCOhost Research Database that consists of e-journals, e-magazines, e-periodicals and eBooks. To access this platform, here are the mechanics:

1. Go to www.spc.edu.ph.

2. Click “OPAC”

3. Click “Library Resources” and

4. Choose the EBSCOhost Research Database.

To get your account access, reach us thru email at elibspc@gmail.com.