Reflecting on the inspiring moments from our CAS Research Colloquium and Seminar held last April 4, 2024, at the SPC – AVR. The morning session was enriched by the expertise of Dr. Liwayway S. Viloria, Director of SPC Department of Research and Creative Works, who illuminated the path with discussions on the SPC Thesis Flowchart and Guidelines. Dr. Jay Rey G. Alovera, a distinguished faculty from MSU-IIT Sociology Department and the newly appointed Artistic Director of MSU-IIT IPAG, shared valuable insights on Research Methods.
The afternoon brought a showcase of our students’ scholarly endeavors from BA Political Science, BA English Language, and BA Filipino. Their research colloquium was graced by esteemed panelists: Dr. Danilyn T. Abingosa, Faculty of MSU-IIT Filipino Department and Head of MSU-IIT Center for Language Studies; Prof. Marina G. Quilab, Faculty of MSU-IIT Filipino Department and a PhD candidate; and Ms. Yasmira P. Moner, Faculty of MSU-IIT Political Science Department and Chairperson for MSU-IIT GAD FPS.
We commend the dedication and hard work of our presenters: Raineza D. Malik, BA Political Science, with thesis titled “The Prevalence of Vote Buying and Selling: Factors that Influence the Voters to Engage in Vote Buying and Selling”; Honey T. Quijano, BA English Language, with thesis titled “CHITCHAT, ATO NI!”: Code-Switching Patterns and Categories of Bisaya Onlince Content in Youtube”; and four BA Filipino students, Emelyn Ano-os, Aina Darimbang, Melogen Palahang, Neliza Quiñanola, with thesis titled “Si Maria sa Lipunang Pilipino”.
Congratulations to all the presenters for their outstanding work and thank you to our speakers and panelists for their valuable contributions to our research community!