Life at SPC is enriching, exciting, and energizing.

Empowering Youth Volunteers
Empowering Youth Volunteers: St. Peter’s College-College Red Cross Youth Batch 1 Completes 2-Day Youth Volunteer Formation Course
The 20 St. Peter’s College-College Red Cross Youth Batch 1 completed a 2-day Youth
Volunteer Formation Course. This course aimed to equip the participants with essential skills and knowledge to become effective volunteers in the Red Cross Youth organization.
Throughout the program, the participants engaged in various interactive sessions and workshops. They learned about the principles and values of the Red Cross, including humanitarianism, neutrality, impartiality, and unity. The first batch of SPC- Red Cross Youth are officers from various student organizations.
By completing this course, these student leaders have demonstrated their commitment to serving others and making a positive impact on society.

SPC Honors 1,131 Achievers: Celebrating Dean's List and Special Award Recipients
St. Peter’s College (SPC) held a momentous ceremony on June 13, 2023, at the SPC Covered Court to recognize and honor the outstanding accomplishments of its students. A total of 1,002 Dean’s List achievers from the 2nd Semester SY 2021-2022 and 1st Semester SY 2022-2023, along with 129 recipients of Special Awards, were celebrated for their remarkable achievements. This marks the largest number of awardees ever recognized by SPC.